Friday, December 23, 2005

` kenneth neo--> e new age bastard

kenneth neo ur such a goddamn bastard. man all guys r jerks. u aint diff from luke tan. jus ended a rs n ur on to a new girl, n its e same girl who was one of e reasons for e breakup. gosh ur such an asshole. i hope u burn in hell. ur not worthy of her love, or of anybody's love. ur a fucker.

sharon @ 2:49 AM


Sunday, December 18, 2005

` i love my life!

okaz its been a long time since i last blogged. many stuff hav happened.. an asshole willingly gave away sth precious. well its his loss. hmms im enjoyin my work.. makin new frenz.. talkin laughin at work.. great captains.. khalic, deric, sean, roy.. but sad khalic migrated le. my fav cap! haa nvm. now got anr one take over le. lol. =p cant wait to work banquet agn!! hees. tml's xmas party at pf's hse. hahaha been on shoppin spree recently. so funn. hehhs. k la i oso lazy to blog. haha.

sharon @ 9:37 PM


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

` im waitin for maple...

hmms. worked at joaquim ytd nite.. den din hav enuf slp today jiu go for scouting le.. today quota 20 man.. find lke hell.. den last one is jiamin help me find de.. haa. saw alot of jap girls today.. hmms. did i blog abt my 1st day at owrk at joaquim? haa. if i din den here it is. monday nite was my 1st day.. at joaquim, tis guy came along.. den danny the manager told me to follow him. at 1st tot he quite dao but turns out he was jus shy. HAHA. well i took a long time to chg but he stil waited for me so he's actually quite nice la. yup. den slowly warm up. haa. siva buddied me n him, nicholas, so he guided me n taught me. he v nice, help me take soup, carry e heavy stuff, clear table, pick up broken stuff. now tat i tink abt it, i tink i did blog abt me breakin 3 glassware on my 1st day? haa if im repeatin den so paiseh. hees. ya den he looks abit lke chen han. lol. quite a nice guy la. ask me go drink soup while workin. lol. den gg home, happened to leave at abt e same time.. den we went 4 supper. rather, buy bread from breadtalk, sat somewher n ate. haa. quite nice to talk to him la. buddy buddy. haa. den tel him help me ask e girls in his sch wana do tv ads or not. haa. den 2nd nite, wh was ytd.. met san san n weiying. both oso v nice. haa. susu oso. haa ytd not as many ppl as mon so managed to clear n go home earlier den mon. somemore all girls lo. girl power.aha. hmms. den tis fri got banquet wit pj. finally wit my own fren. yay. haa. tml gg ktv wit pf n other gals. bringin my little sis along. aha. n e reason y im stil crappin n crappin.. is cuz im waitin for ta stupid maplestory to b done! idiot. some maintenance or i duno wad la. so suay la. i worked for past 2 nites, tis morn oso, den pian pain muz wen im home wana play den down. argh.

sharon @ 3:38 AM


Saturday, December 03, 2005

` boring..

hmms. sunday. no work. cant wait for tml man.. to start work. haa. hmms. cleared my rm ytd. of cuz haven clear finish. haha. there's so much more to go. bleahs. wana go vjc trnn.. msged gwen twice to ask le but she din reply. bleahs. i wana hit e gym too. lol. wish me luck for tml's scouting.. i wana finally reached my quota! haa. i was short of one the last time. den if not counting a girl who was 15 n anr who was 16, den ok im short of 3. >.<

hmms. i stil duno abt it. i cant control my feelings. i duno wad to do. if i used my brains , i noe tat it wud b e rite choice. but a rs isnt abt brains but feelings. my feelings are stil unsure. i dun wan to b anr ag.

sharon @ 7:29 PM


[ profile ] ;

[[ sharon ]] `10-09-89 `sixteen `166cm `52kg

[ loves ] ;

[[ volleyball ]] `reading `pool `dark chocolates `family `frenz `4/6 circus `e old o6s37 `God `star wars `daniel wu `hayden christensen

[ beliefs ] ;

[[ make up is only an illusion. true beauty is whats inside you. ]]

[[ i believe in karma. what goes around comes around. ]]

[[ when you love someone, you love everything about her, including her bad points. ]]

[[ 4/6, u wud owaes be in my heart. thanks for all e great times, great memories. i wud owaes love u. ]]

[[ 4605`sworn to perfection. ]]

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